[DOCUWALLAHS2] MAVA's Film Fest Samabhav in Pune Details with Schedule [2 Attachments]
'harsh' harsh267@rediffmail.com [docuwallahs2]
2018-01-14 12:28:02 UTC
Hi !  Please find details of the travelling film festival Sama-bhav by Men Against Violence and Abuse (MAVA) to be held at Film and Television Institute (FTII) on 19-20 January 2018, with the schedule.  We will be getting eminent film directors, social activists, academicians and media-persons interact with the gathered 200 plus crowd on both the days over 18 plus films.
I'm sending you separately the film fest catalogue that give synposes of films to be screened at the 2 day fest and key messages by leading figures.
The festival is first of its kind in India, generating healthy, engaging conversations amongst College and University Students, Faculty, representatives of ngos, cine-lovers and young film-makers. The festival has so far travelled to 6 cities, 2 districts of Maharashtra and will be now travelling to Pune, Mumbai, Sangli and Kolhapur..
Would request you to kindly write a feature story on this important happening in Pune,
Feel free to contact me for any further details.
 Thanks and Regards,
Harish Sadani
Co-Founder & Chief Functionary
Men Against Violence & Abuse (MAVA), Mumbai
T: +91 9870307748 |  ***@gmail.com  
Web: mavaindia.org     Blog : http://www.youthforgenderequality.org
