Ramesh Tekwani ramesh.tekwani@gmail.com [docuwallahs2]
2018-08-10 13:33:05 UTC
From: Bishnu Dev Halder <***@courtyard.net.in>
Date: 10 August 2018 at 15:11
Subject: Let'sdoc Fellowship Programme - Accepting Entries
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Documentary Resource Initiative!
It gives us immense pleasure to share that we are now accepting entries for
the second edition of *let'sdoc*.
Let'sdoc is a mentoring and fellowship programme for Indian filmmakers at
early stage of their careers*. *The initiative aims to mentor 12 filmmakers
over 2 sessions and help them develop the documentary projects they are
currently working on. Each selected filmmaker will receive a small grant
for travel and accommodation to attend the two sessions to be held in
Kolkata. Two filmmakers will be given a grant of *Rs. 1,00,000* each at the
end of the two sessions of mentoring to further develop their projects and
work on the trailers of the same.
Please note that age is not a barrier. The deadline for application is *15
August 2018*.
The details are available at the following links:
Lets'doc 2018 Guidelines
Application Form <http://www.docresi.org/let%CA%BCsdocs-form.aspx>
Would, hereby, request you to kindly spread word within the community as it
can benefit many of those who are looking to make a meaningful start in the
world of documentary.
Look forward to your support to the initiative and best wishes with your
ongoing projects.
Bishnu Dev Halder
Director, Programming
Date: 10 August 2018 at 15:11
Subject: Let'sdoc Fellowship Programme - Accepting Entries
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Documentary Resource Initiative!
It gives us immense pleasure to share that we are now accepting entries for
the second edition of *let'sdoc*.
Let'sdoc is a mentoring and fellowship programme for Indian filmmakers at
early stage of their careers*. *The initiative aims to mentor 12 filmmakers
over 2 sessions and help them develop the documentary projects they are
currently working on. Each selected filmmaker will receive a small grant
for travel and accommodation to attend the two sessions to be held in
Kolkata. Two filmmakers will be given a grant of *Rs. 1,00,000* each at the
end of the two sessions of mentoring to further develop their projects and
work on the trailers of the same.
Please note that age is not a barrier. The deadline for application is *15
August 2018*.
The details are available at the following links:
Lets'doc 2018 Guidelines
Application Form <http://www.docresi.org/let%CA%BCsdocs-form.aspx>
Would, hereby, request you to kindly spread word within the community as it
can benefit many of those who are looking to make a meaningful start in the
world of documentary.
Look forward to your support to the initiative and best wishes with your
ongoing projects.
Bishnu Dev Halder
Director, Programming